Team Awesome, VT
Lock 42, NY
Fetish Fair Fleamarket(tm)
Resurrection/Impulse (Manchester NH)
Now that I am the head DJ, here are some flyers :)
NeXuS (Belchertown MA)
Did a one off flyer for them for one of my DJ performaces
Hey I'm in a new industrial music drum corp!
North Shore represent! ACP was brought in to do the cards for this new night at a private club in Haverhill.
Darq Salem
I was contacted by the main promoter of Domina to help put together ad materials for a new club night here in Salem. The website is now live
ACP's DJpet is running sound and lighting for the club as well as gust DJing there on occasion.
Gothic Maine, Keeping it spooky in vacation land!
ACP is pleased to announce a new working relationship with GM! ACP will be designing monthly Plague flyers as well as guest DJing and running sound for concerts! GM primarily uses 8.5"x11" printed flyers so the aspect ratio of the web flyer is a little different that the 4x6 ones.
Nokturnal is proud to announce the new business with Nokturnal RI! Over the comming months ACP will be hosting and redisigning the website as well as doing a lot of the new flyers.
REPO! The Genetic Opera
Not only is this the best movie of 2008 but it's going to grow and grow and probably become legend! One of the regional promotors for the show contacted ACP for promotional flyers to post and hand out at clubs and events.
Kink For All-Boston
Not a club night but rather a non-conference!
Eternal Embrace Hope Foundation
ACP was contrcted to do the flyers as well as the myspace layout
New England Darkside Walker's Ball
ACP made this year's flyer
Avon Walk and other Charity concerts
ACP was contacted to run sound and art for a a variety of local benifets.
Lush is now looking for a new venue as the club put in a another rap night instead of live bands and themed DJ nights
Groove Temple
ACP is floating this concept. Downtempo world electronic groove with funky drinks, live drumming, and belly dancers :) We are still in the process of getting the art package together as well as dialing in the concept prior to pitching to various clubs. If you are a club or represent one and this looks good to you please contact us about a night.
Domina @ Club Choices
Domina, now defunct, was a fetish night at a Somerville club. Club promotions in Boston often revolve around the 4x6 card that is handed out to club patrons when they leave. These cards also turn up at coffee houses and stores specializing in club fashions.
Local clothing designers and photographers are used to both cross promote as well as create community